Water Adventure activities at Nova Scotia

Water Adventure activities at Nova Scotia

Adventures are a great way to live life to the fullest. When it comes to water sports or activities in water, it is a great way to enjoy the ocean and experience the waves. Nova Scotia has plenty of activities to choose from if you’re a water lover. Take a look at some of them.

Three sisters tour – Kayaking

If you are a leisure kayaker and are looking for some fun, then this one is best suited for you. The distance that you need to paddle through is not too much, and it is more relaxed and slower-paced. You will be amazed by the rock spires, coves, archways etc. that are incredibly scenic and to add on to this; there will also be a stop for some picnic after which you can resume your activity.

Mud sliding and swimming

Mud sliding and swimming

If you’re looking for some amusing experience then Bara Whitewater Rafting at Beaver Brook Bára is what you should be doing. Rafting in the river Shubenachie is an unforgettable experience as the water levels can rise more than 30 feet. After rafting for hours, you can also come back to the shore and swim and play on the mud. Make sure you wear clothes that are comfortable and not new while you’re at this activity.

Whale watching

Do you have a fascination for Whales? Get a chance to look at the largest mammal on earth here at Nova Scotia. At brier Island, there are guides that will take you to the place where you can observe Whales playing in their natural habitat from a safe distance. Make sure you’re covered in extra layers of clothing because the place could get colder as you go farther deep into the Bay of Fundy.

Sea School

When I say Sea school, I’m not talking about a school of fish or an aquarium but a real opportunity to learn how to sail. An experience for adults and even youngsters who are keen on learning. The Nova Scotia school will help you take charge and be in command without any former knowledge or learning. They will teach you everything that there is to learn.

 Be Shellfish

Clamming or digging for clams by the shore is one activity that is enjoyable by many. Digging for clams and getting your first one fills you with excitement and joy. If you’re tired of rowing and surfing and want to do something else that’s more calming then clamming is the one for you.

Try out these activities that will give you a refreshing experience and memories to cherish all your life. Nova Scotia is in between the Atlantic Ocean and the Bay of Fundy. There are many other freshwater activities too, make sure you check it all out.

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