A Guide to Tourism in Nova Scotia

A Guide to Tourism in Nova Scotia

For centuries now, Nova Scotia is regarded as a tourist destination, and rightly so, there are a ton of regions to visit and take home the memories. However, due to the overwhelming presence of beauty and regions in the land, it can be challenging for first-time travellers. Hence, in this article, we’ve jotted down the guide to tourism in Nova Scotia.

Day 1- starting in Nova Scotia

One of the first destinations, to begin with, is in the English town Ferry that is located just at the base of the Highlands of the Cape Breton town. It is better to start with Kluskap Ridge RV and also the Campground. The people responsible in the region show a full tour of the land in a golf cart. Throughout the property, you can witness many campsites and savour nature’s beauty. They also have a campsite for all the night lovers in the garden. Hence, it is one of the best places to begin your tourism.

Nova Scotia

Day 2 – Cape Breton

Cape Breton Is present in the mainland region of Nova Scotia, and it is an excellent place to start after you’ve had the beauty of nature, the previous day. The highland comprises of the community of Eskasoni who are the largest Mi’kmaw community in the region. They’re about 5000 residents in the plateau which comprises of great trails, with a beautiful view. The trail is also about 2.4km long, and it contains the most spectacular view of the hillside, with all the water bodies and the waterworks surrounding the region.

People in the region or the bits of help present there will also guide you the way throughout the trail. Once you make your way through the trail, you can come across various villages and other indigenous lifeforms around. It is an epitome of culture and rich heritage in the region.

Cape Breton

Day 3- Nova Scotia

The third day, you can visit the regions in mainland Nova Scotia. One of the significant attractions in the place is the presence of the Millbrook Cultural and the Heritage Centre. The tour is guided by the people and the staff present in the region and starts with a 20-minute long video about the Mi’kmaq. The video explains the history of the area and also the way Europeans made their way through the region that had a drastic impact on the natives and the people living in the region. They also comprise of the assets of all the olden and the ancient weapons that are a mark of history and artwork in the region.

Bottom Line

The trip does not have to end with a three-day visit. But, in this article, we’ve prepared a concise version for a three-day visit to Nova Scotia. If you’re interested, you could even drive and visit the Meterpenagiag Heritage Park and many more destinations around the region.

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