Places where gambling is illegal

Places where gambling is illegal

Gambling is enjoyed by many people all around the world. Thanks to technology and the internet, everybody can get access to gambling. You can experience it by either going to a casino by travelling to the actual place or through online websites and applications. Gambling is considered a skill by many, but many also consider it as a way to trade black money.

Some consider anything that involves fortune and money illegal as there is no hard work. When there is an opportunity for easy money involved, many tend to fall into the trap and spend all their life savings. We must understand why gambling is considered a sin in some places while it is considered as a fun activity in some. Here are some places where gambling is illegal, and let’s see why it is the way it is.

Parts of USA and India

In places like India and the US, gambling is not legal everywhere. There are some states where it is considered okay to gamble while the rest have banned it. In India, some states also sell lottery tickets openly. It is up to the state to decide if they want casinos or not. The sin city or the beacon of casinos in Las Vegas and it is in America, the people who want to have a good time come here from other states to gamble and try their luck.



Qatar has the strictest laws when it comes to gambling, and it completely against any form of betting or gambling. Most places that have banned gambling don’t mind sports betting, but Qatar is stubborn as a mule on not allowing any loopholes when it comes to gambling. But gambling does happen illegally.


The citizens of Cambodia were addicted to gambling for so long. The t government decided to step in and take control of this problem. The government banned gambling once in for all in the year 1996.  However, there are regulated lotteries by the government itself that come in five forms.

North Korea

North Korea

North Korea has stringent control over its citizens. Sadly, they cannot access casino offline or online. It is completely banned. The government has complete control over what they want their citizens to do. However, this does not apply to visitors or tourists who visit the place. They can gamble at one casino that is present exclusively for tourists.

United Arab Emirates

You could be imprisoned if you are found gambling at the UAE. Almost all Islamic countries have banned gambling. If you’re planning to travel to any on these places or anywhere around the world then make sure you look up their rules on gambling because getting arrested in a foreign country due to ignorance is the last thing you want.

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